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Fatima Khaliq Dad
Digital Marketing Specialist | Social Media Specialist
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Technical Skills
Facebook Ads
  • Bootstrap, Materialize
  • GIT knowledge
  • Google Analytics
  • Keyword Research
  • Social Media Management
  • Google Tag Manager
Language Skills

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Project details

Visit Live Website


I am thrilled to showcase an exceptional project in my portfolio—a cutting-edge blog website dedicated to international affairs, designed using the versatile WordPress platform. This project exemplifies my commitment to delivering informative and thought-provoking online platforms for organizations with a global perspective.

Key Features and Highlights:

  • Engaging Content: The blog is a hub for thought-provoking content on a wide range of international affairs topics. It includes insightful articles, in-depth analyses, opinion pieces, and expert commentaries that offer valuable perspectives on global issues.
  • Interactive Multimedia: To enhance the user experience, the website incorporates multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive maps. These elements visually engage visitors and make complex issues more accessible.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: The website is intuitively organized, ensuring visitors can easily explore categories, access the latest articles, and delve into specific topics of interest. A powerful search feature helps users find content quickly.
  • Author Profiles: Author profiles with bios and photos are featured, adding credibility and personalization to the content. Visitors can learn about the experts behind the analyses.
  • Timely Updates: The website is equipped with a content management system that allows for easy and timely updates. This ensures that the latest international developments are promptly covered and shared with the audience.
  • Social Sharing Integration: Social media sharing buttons are strategically placed, making it effortless for readers to share valuable insights with their networks, thus increasing the reach and impact of the blog.
  • Responsive Design: The website is designed to be fully responsive, offering a seamless user experience on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Technologies Used:

  • WordPress: Leveraged the power and flexibility of WordPress as the content management system (CMS).

  • Multimedia Integration: Utilized multimedia tools and plugins for interactive content elements.

  • SEO Optimization: Implemented SEO strategies to improve search engine visibility and enhance discoverability.


This project stands as a digital platform for intellectual discourse on international affairs, serving as a valuable resource for policymakers, academics, journalists, and the global community. The blog contributes to informed debates and discussions on critical global issues, and its accessibility and interactive elements make it an engaging resource for a wide audience.

I'm proud to include this project in my portfolio, showcasing how WordPress can be leveraged to create a sophisticated, user-centric, and information-rich platform that addresses complex international affairs topics. It reflects my dedication to empowering organizations with digital solutions that drive meaningful change and engagement on a global scale.

  • Order Date:
  • Final Date:
  • Status:
  • Client:
    Pakistan House
  • Location:
    House No. 9-B, Street 12, F-7/2, Islamabad, Pakistan